In light of the recent dynamic developments in connection to the spreading of CORVID-19 and the general uncertainty as to what the following months might bring in terms of mobility and safety regulations, the Organizing Committee, under advisement from the SLSAeu Board, have decided to suspend conference registration until mid-April.
We would also like to inform you that SLSAeu is nonetheless pursuing two strategies of how to keep the scientific dialogue open. Should the situation improve and there is no longer any risk, the conference will take place as planned and the registration will commence in April. Should this not be the case, the conference will move online on a dedicated platform with pre-recorded papers and presentations, including the keynotes.
We will be informing you about the path the conference will be taking at the beginning of April. We are determined to make the scholarly exchange alive, which also includes the publication of the conference proceedings.
As organizers, we would like to ask you kindly to follow the website where the updates regarding the situation will henceforth be posted.
Best wishes!